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Martha Leticia Gomez


Post European Migration


Jalisco Map

Cristero War

"Today, Jalisco is a land of peace. But from the early Sixteenth Century until the Cristero Rebellion of the 1920s, Jalisco's beautiful landscape was ravaged by warfare time and again. Altos and the "Three-Fingers" border region of northern Jalisco, long regarded as a vanguard of Catholicism in Mexico, would become battlefields in this next war, which started in 1926. When one learns of the trials and tribulations endured by the people of Jalisco, he or she can begin to appreciate and understand the pride that Jaliscienses feel for their native soil."

For Greater Glory

Staring Andy Garcia and Eva Longoria, this movie shows the struggles of the Cristero War.

What You Want To Know


The major tradition that all cities and towns have in common is the "fiestas patronales" or "patronage festivals" which originated in Spain. These are important to not only residents, but also to those who live in the U.S. and have roots in Mexican towns and cities. During these fiestas they party day and night typically for nine days, but bigger cities are a month straight. The partying leads up to the main day of the festival. Since European's left a heavy Catholic influence, each municipality is dedicated to a Saint. The Saint's birthday marks the main day of the festival. For example San Francisco's celebration would start September 25th and end on October 4th since Saint Francis's birthday is on October 4th.
Festivals a Year

How To Get In Touch


Email: m.lety.gomez@gmail.com